iPhone 1.1.3 – undocumented new feature(s)

Some undocumented new features (or fixes) included with 1.1.3

  1. Two finger text entry for capital letters. To get a single captial letter prior to 1.1.3 you had to press shift then press the letter you wanted. With 1.1.3 you can now press shift+letter simultaneaously and it gives the same result as a standard full sized keyboard.
  2. SMS alert popup now rotates between portrait and landscape, pretty sure it didn’t do that in 1.1.2
  3. You can tap white circles to jump to another home screen rather than swiping. This has always been the case in weather app, etc but there are still iPhone users out there who don’t know this.
  4. Enhanced gmail access via IMAP now rather than POP, although I already have my gmail setup via IMAP using the “other” option pre-1.1.3
  5. iTunes store gift voucher redemption from the phone, should any body give you an iTunes gift card and you need to buy some songs/movies whilst out and about.
  6. Manually manage music/videothrough iTunes

….I did have lots more but they’re pretty much well known about know so I’ve left this post unfinished but feel free to post in the comments section.

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