Some undocumented new features (or fixes) included with 1.1.3
Two finger text entry for capital letters. To get a single captial letter prior to 1.1.3 you had to press shift then press the letter you wanted. With 1.1.3 you can now press shift+letter simultaneaously and it gives the same result as a standard full sized keyboard.
SMS alert popup now rotates between portrait and landscape, pretty sure it didn’t do that in 1.1.2
You can tap white circles to jump to another home screen rather than swiping. This has always been the case in weather app, etc but there are still iPhone users out there who don’t know this.
Enhanced gmail access via IMAP now rather than POP, although I already have my gmail setup via IMAP using the “other” option pre-1.1.3
iTunes store gift voucher redemption from the phone, should any body give you an iTunes gift card and you need to buy some songs/movies whilst out and about.
Manually manage music/videothrough iTunes
….I did have lots more but they’re pretty much well known about know so I’ve left this post unfinished but feel free to post in the comments section.
Well having successfully updated my iPhone to 1.1.3 I have noticed that I am no longer able to join wi-fi networks, it says i’m connected to my Apple Airport but browsing web pages fails stating unable to connect to server.
I jumped into settings and turned wi-fi off then back on and let it join the network again. Same problem.
I then tried the advanced tab for the network and told it to forget the network and then find it again, same problem.
I tried force closing Safari (by holding down the home button) and then relaunched Safari, still not working.
Next was to reboot the airport express, didn’t solve it.
I tried my MacBook Pro on wi-fi, worked ok so it’s not an internet or airport problem.
Finally I noticed in the advanced tab of the wi-fi network that the phone was getting a self assigned IP address ( not picking one up from Airport DHCP. Clicking renew lease didn’t work, still self assigned IP so this appeared to be the problem, the iPhone wasn’t being assigned an IP by my airport express. I tried my netgear (Sky) router and the same problem with that.
I finally turned the phone off and back on (with a forced reboot, holding down home button and power button for up to 10 seconds) and then checked the wi-fi advanced page, finally it picked up a DHCP assigned IP and all is well again.
Not sure what 1.1.3 did but I’d never had that problem before.
On a side note: a family member also has an iPhone and updated to 1.1.3 last night. He said it all went well, he was playing with the new features before he went to bed and then turned his phone off last night. On the way to work he powered his phone back on and it’s simply showing an icon saying connect the phone to iTunes, emergency calls only. So it looks like its gone back to the “virginal” or “as new” setting for some reason. So he’s without his phone and all his contacts until he gets back from work.
UPDATE: Two friends updated their iPhones to 1.1.3 and neither could then connect to wifi (Apple Airport or their Orange Livebox Router). Same problem with it not picking up an IP via DCHP. They gave me a call so I pointed towards this blog to follow the instructions. They both followed all the steps above and this worked for one of them only. The other iPhone still wouldn’t pick up an IP. In the end he fixed it by simply going into the settings menu and choosing