iPhone 3G ringer/silent switch broken [after 48 hours]

As an owner of the original iPhone, I patiently waited for the white iPhone 3G to be made available as an upgrade option from my network operator. 2 days ago I noticed my network operator (O2) had stock of the white iPhone 3G (44 days after its launch) so I headed to my local store and half an hour later I walked out with my new white iPhone 3G and tossed my original iPhone to one side [i.e. gave it to my girlfriend].

48 hours later and it’s already broken, the little ringer/vibrate switch has snapped and fallen off. I did notice the switch was much stiffer than my original iPhone, which I thought was a good thing as it would prevent mistaken switching of modes but unfortunately when I flicked it across the button popped off and landed on the street somewhere, never to be seen again. Continue reading “iPhone 3G ringer/silent switch broken [after 48 hours]”

iPhone 2.02 doesn’t fix address book sync with BMW iDrive

[Also check the other post covering this with several hundred comments – iPhone 2.0 update breaks BMW iDrive contact/address book syncing!]

UPDATE – Sorry guys and girls, it looks like a was a little premature on this one. My contacts DID all show up on the iDrive screen and I scrolled through, jumped from A-N-W-etc and I came in to get the camera for a few shots for this article. When I went back out, my iPhone paired but after a long wait screen there were NO contacts shown! I removed both pairings, powered off the car and the iPhone and tried again but still nothing. I then updated my friends brand new 3G to 2.02 and tried syncing that (which has never been seen by the car before) and it paired but still no contact sync.

Continue reading “iPhone 2.02 doesn’t fix address book sync with BMW iDrive”

iPhone 2.01 introduces a delay when answering a call?

I’ve noticed recently that whenever I answer a call and say “Hello” the person calling me doesn’t hear my initially “Hello” and I end up having to repeat it a second time.

I thought this was just the person on the other end not paying attention until I called a friend of mine and he didn’t appear to speak when he answered the call, when I asked him about it he too complained that even though he says “Hello” the third party cannot hear it.

I’ve just done a few tests calling myself from another phone and it does seem like Apple have introduced a short 0.5 second delay from sliding the answer tab to the mic being enabled with 2.01. I guess this is to give you time to get the iPhone up to your ear and start a conversation but I’d like the option in a menu somewhere to toggle “Instant Answer” on/off.

This is my experience with the original iPhone updated to 2.01, if you’ve noticed similar problems with your 3G iPhone and somebody not hearing you for a split second when you answer a call leave a comment below.